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WG ACTION: Web Transaction Security (wts) (fwd)


Who'll be responding to my questions on SecHTTP? I can't make
Stockholm :-).

> A new working group has been formed in the Security Area of the IETF.
> For more information, please contact the working group chair or the
> Area Director.
> Web Transaction Security (wts)
> ------------------------------
>  Chair(s):
>      Charlie Kaufman <charlie_kaufman@iris.com>
>  Security Area Director(s):
>      Jeffrey Schiller  <jis@mit.edu>
>  Mailing lists:
>      General Discussion:www-security@nsmx.rutgers.edu
>      To Subscribe:      www-security-request@nsmx.rutgers.edu
>      Archive:           http://www-ns.rutgers.edu/www-security
> Description of Working Group:
> The goal of the Web Transaction Security Working Group is to develop
> requirements and a specification for the provision of security services
> to Web transaction, eg. transactions using HyperText Transport Protocol
> (HTTP). This work will proceed in parallel to and independently of the
> development of non-security features in the HTTP Working Group. The
> working group will prepare two documents for submission as Internet
> Drafts; an HTTP Security Requirements Specification, and an HTTP
> Security Protocol Specification. The latter will be submitted as a
> Standards Track RFC.
>  Goals and Milestones:
>      Done HTTP Security Requirements submitted as Internet-Draft.
>    Jul 95 HTTP Security Requirements finalized at the Stockholm IETF. Submit
> 	  HTTP Security Specification proposal(s) as Internet-Drafts.
>    Dec 95 HTTP Security Specification finalized at the Dallas IETF, submitted
> 	  to IESG for Standards Track action.